
The Aeons

The Secret Aeons

Positive Abilities

Negative Abilities

Aeon Attributes

Celestial weapons




In this part of the site I will give you access to my favourite websites. Co-incidentally, If you have a Final Fantasy X Website and would like it to be added on to my Links Page, just e-mail me with the address!

Don't Hesitate to click on any of these links! I've tried the all and they all work Fine for me. So If they don't work for you, try resetting your Computer and try again later.

Search Engines
AltaVista You know us as the Internet's original search engine. I'm connected to these Guys!
Google Google has a vast number of sites, and I wouldn't be surprised if they could find at least one site for every caption you insert into the Box!
Ask Jeeves Useful should you be stuck on a homework or any other question.
Mamma Mamma's great for listening to MP3s online!

Favorite Sites The Official Site for Final Fantasy. My Other Website. Great, should you be interested in Star Wars. Great for Downloading Midi Files for your Computer. Listen to Final Fantasy and other game's music online.
Ste's Site Has the World's FIRST Hate list(Or so he says)! My sister's Website-Be Warned! Make a Website and add it to mine! A Good site if you want to see Final Fanatasy Pictures and Screenshots. Might be as well to see that as well as my 'Spira' page, as it would show you what some of the areas look like, should you not have visited them already. NOTE-Some of the Photos are badly titled and/or may not be the same as what I have put them down as.


Allow me to say something to the last Ronso before I leave..
Yours Was....A Truly Gallant Race.
They Threw Themselves on me to try and bar my Path.
after another.