
The Aeons

The Secret Aeons

Positive Abilities

Negative Abilities

Aeon Attributes

Celestial weapons




Intro. to Aeon Attributes
On this Page, You'll find Info on how to raise your Aeons' Stats accordingly. You Will find how to work out how many power spheres are needed to progress 100HP and How many MP Points you gain per 99 Mana Spheres Spent.

  Specialities Every Aeon has One or More Specialist areas which they excell with stat points in. Some have lots of Health, while others excell in Strength or Defence.
Here are Every Aeon's Specialist Areas-

Valefor- Magic, Evasion

Ifrit- Defence

Ixion- Defence, Magic Defence

Shiva- Magic, Agility, Evasion

Bahamut- HP, Defence

Yojimbo- Defence, Evasion, Accuracy

Anima- HP, Strength

Magus Sisters(Cindy)-HP, MP, Defence

Magus Sisters(Sandy)- HP, Strength

Magus Sisters(Mindy)- HP, MP, Agility

- You can use these stats to Interpret Battle Situations. For Example- If You are coming up against a Fiend Which uses Magic a lot, either choose an Aeon that has a High Magic Defence Figure(Ixion) or one that will absorb the type of Elemental attack(Ifrit, Ixion or Shiva.) You can also use these to interpret which of an Aeons Stats to Raise. For Example- If yoiu plan to take one Aeon's HP up by 100, then you may either choose to Upgrade one with an already high HP figure(Bahamut, Anima, etc.) or one with a rather low HP Figure(Valefor or Ifrit). This Way, you can have Good, all-round Aeons.

  How Much?! Here is a Guide as to how much you have to spend to Raise an Aeons'attributes using the Aeon's Soul.

HP- To Find out how many Power Spheres it will cost for an Aeon's Health to go from ,say, 3,000HP to 3,100HP, you need to do the following-
1. Divide Your Current Maximum Health Total by 50.
2. Round this figure off.
3. This is your figure.
So- 3,000Hp divided by 50 is 60. So 60 power Spheres are needed to take an Aeon's Health from 3,000HP to 3,100HP.(Or Up 100HP.)

MP- This Is similar to HP. Just do what you did for HP for MP, except divide the Figure by 10 and substitute all 'HP's for 'MP's. So, to take an Aeon's MP from 40 to 50, I would havde to do the following sums- 40 divided by 10 is 4. So 4 Mana Spheres are needed to take an Aeon's MP from 40 to 50.

Strength, Defence, Magic Defence, Magic, Luck, Evasion, Accuracy, Agility- Again, this is similar to the HP and MP ones, except for the following-
1.You have to do each of the Above Stats seperately.
2.You have to divide your attribute's level by 2.
3.Each Stat will only increase by 1 each time.
So- If an Aeon's Luck level was 30, and I wanted it to go to 31, I would have to divide 30 by 2 and that would give me 15. so 15 Fortune Spheres are needed to get an Aeons' luck level from 30 to 31.

The Following are the Types of Sphere neede to Increase Each Attribute-

HP -Strength Sphere- +100HP each time
MP -Mana Sphere- +10MP each time
Strength -Strength Sphere- +1 each time
Defence- Strength Sphere- +1 each time
Magic- Mana Sphere- +1 each time
Magic Defence- Mana Sphere- +1 each time
Agility- Speed Sphere- +1 each time
Luck- Fortune Sphere- +1 each time
Evasion- Speed Sphere- +1 each time
Accuracy- Speed Sphere- +1each time

  The Aeon's Soul The Aeon's Soul is What is needed to increase Your Aeons' Attributes. It can be won off Belgemine either in the Calm Lands, near the Shop, or in the Remiem Temple, which is only accesible by Chocobo.


If your Aeon's HP Exceeds 10,000HP, E-Mail Me!!!(Send Proof as well!)