
The Aeons

The Secret Aeons

Positive Abilities

Negative Abilities

Aeon Attributes

Celestial weapons




The Characters
I Figured that, seen as there are only 9 main characters, it would be a waste of a website just to put a page of writing on.So I thought- 'Why Don't I plonk the Characters on My Aeons website? After all, It is the best website ever and everything!'(Okay, so I didn't think this but you get the picture.)So here it is- The Characters! (Sorry about the pictures being a bit small, I couldn't find any others!)

The Character that you follow all the way through the game, Tidus is the Character that you control during your quests through Spira. Tidus Uses White Magic well, and he starts off near to the abilities Slow and Haste, so don't neglect your chances.
A Summoner and the Daughter of Lord Braska- The previous slayer of sin and the latest one to call the Final Aeon- Yuna has al lot to live up to. Yuna Enlists the help of Auron, Kimahri, Tidus, Rikku, Wakka and Lulu to help her and guard her on her pilgrimage to receive the Final Aeon. She is able to call upon the Aeons for support in battle, and is very powerful in Black Magic, though she doesn't start off with any Black Magic Spells.
Auron was one of the Two Guardians to guard High Summoner Braska on his Pilgrimage-The other being Jecht, Tidus' Father. Auron Joins the Group in Luca, and will prove a great asset to your team. He is very Powerful and has loads of HP, so he wil prove useful.Auron can also master the Magic, Armour, Mental and Power Break Moves, so he is also useful to take down an opponents' defences before you send the others in.
A Blitzball player for the Besaid Aurochs, Wakka is thinking of becoming a guardian-full time. The Besaid Aurochs are 'A living, breathing, statistical impossibility, Folks!' asthey have not yet wn a game- hopefully this will change- and for the better. Wakka's Specialities are Flying Fiends and long range attacks. He can also use the Dark and Sleep atacks, which will inflict that certain status effect on an enemy for 3 turns.

Kimahri Ronso
Kimahri is one person that says little. His actions speak louder than words. good thing to- If they were words, then they'd probably be- 'Oi! You! Leave my *~#$%&^ summoner alone you *~#$%^ !"@?~{£&' or '*~#$ you!' His Lancet attack has a unique effect when he uses it- he can copy some moves off of Fiends and use them as overdrives. Incidentally, His Overdrive bar fills up automatically as soon as a new technique is learnt.
Rikku is an Al Bhed with a difference. She wants to help Yuna on her pilgrimage- despite the fact that most Al Bhed aren't allowed into Temples! She has the Abilities 'Steal' and 'Use'- both of which are VERY useful in the later stages of the game. She will also learn 'Pilfer Gil', 'Nab Gil' and 'Mug' should you train her right. Relying on her speed, Rikku is one quick Customer- and not one to be reckoned with or to give up easily.
Lulu starts off with the four most basic Black magic spells- Fire, Water, Ice and Thunder. She is first playable on the way out of Besaid, even though you meet her after the Cloister of Trials there. She is particulally effective at Dodging and, seen as she has black magic spells, they hardly, if ever, miss. She lacks, however in general strength and generally finds it difficult to defeat fiends when she has insufficient MP for a Black Magic Spell.
A Man Obsessed with Sin, Seymour wants to Summon the Final Aeon, but at the same time, hopes to become the Next Sin. He truly is evil, as he manages to wipe out the Ronso, Falsely lead the Guado and Wage war on the Al Bhed(Along with the Other Maesters and his Army). Seymour is Playable ONCE in the Game, and this is after Operation Mi'hen- once you are fighting the second Sinspawn Gui. However, Seymour appears on many Occasions, but 4 of these require you to fight him. He is able to Summon Anima the first of these times, Who has 18,000HP at his Disposal. Anima is available to him because Anima is Seymour's Mother.

(No Picture) Sin is the 'Bad Guy' in Final Fantasy X, Destroying Cities, Killing People and generally being an all-round pain in the A***e. You fight him 4 times in the game, like seymour, but Sin has 140,000HP the last time you fight him. Sin is Actually Jecht, Tidus' father and repeatedly appears near Tidus so that he can end his suffering and kill him. All I acn say is- Don't dissapoint Him!


Thanks to Whatever site these pictures are from for the Pictures.
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