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The Aeons

The Secret Aeons

Positive Abilities

Negative Abilities

Aeon Attributes

Celestial weapons




Valefor and Ifrit

Valefor is the First aeon you receive on your quest, as you get him just outside the Besaid Temple after Completing the Besaid Cloister of Trials. Valefor's Special Attack, Sonic Wings, is useful if you have an enemy that has cast haste on itself or if an enemy is so powerful that you couldn't possibly survive another hit from it. It's Useful because It delay the Enemies Next Turn. BUT BEWARE! Some Foes are Immune to the Effects of Sonic Wings.


Ifrit is Your Second Aeon you Receive, outside the Temple in Kilika. Ifrit's Special Attack is Meteor Strike and is a powerful Fire attack. Sometimes though,this attack can delay ifrit's next Turn so check the Status on the Top Right of the Screen before you choose this Attack. Ifrit also has a useful Quality that affects two other Aeons in the Game. If Ifrit casts a Fire attack on Himself, he will heal himself. WARNING! You cannot heal yourself with Meteor strike! Ifrit's 'Attack' is also Fire based I think, but it will not heal yourself or any fire-swallowing enemies.

Ixion and Shiva

Ixion is the Third Aeon you will receive. Received just after you Complete the Cloister of Trials at the Temple of Yevon-Djose and after your two battles with Sinspawn Gui, Ixion is really quite useful against enemies on the Thunder Plains(Coming Later!) as Ixion will absorb all Lightning attacks and will deal heavy damage to most as it has a reasonably high attack level. With the Right Training, Ixion could have 3,000HP before your next boss battle(With the Spherimorph). As I have said before, Ixion absorbs all Lightning attacks, and also comes complete with Thunder and Thundara(I'm not perfectly sure about the Latter, so don't get your hopes TOO high!). Ixion's Special Attack, Aerospark, can also Nullify(Get rid of) all positive Status Effects on an Enemy of your Choice(This is useful against the Wendigo after you receive Shiva).


Shiva First appears as your Fourth Aeon BEFORE you complete the Macalania Cloister of Trials, but she only reveils herself once you're INSIDE the Temple of Macalania and Against Seymour. Shiva's Special attack,Heavenly Strike, has an Icy Attribute to It, and so Is useful against fire fiends. She also has the Ability to absorb Ice damage from herself and other enmies. This is, As Before, is then converted into HP for Shiva. this Proves especially useful when up against any ice fiends you may encounter.

Once Completing the Trials of Bevelle, Bahamut becomes available to you, but you'll only actually get to use him After a rather extended but revealing Video sequence in Via purifico. Bahamut Comes complete with every First, second AND Third stage elemental spell and a very high MP in order to use them all. What's more, Bahamut starts with an exceedingly high ammount of HP and with appropriate training, could reach 4,000HP BEFORE your second battle with Seymore. Bahamut Also has the ability to Inflict over 9,999 damage in an attack or overdrive, as no celestial weapon can enhance his Damage Break.
Bahamut's Special attack,Impulse, can deal massive ammounts of damage to ALL enemies!! Yes! That's right, his attack inflicts heavy Non-elemental damage on all enemies in any particular battle situation! This Is a Strong Aeon, So- RAISE IT WELL!!

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